Andreas Welp to lead the Digital Marketing Specialists team

Dresden, 17th September 2020 – The Offerista Group wants to focus more heavily on cross-channel advertising solutions in future. For this reason, the company has formed its own unit. Andreas Welp will lead the Digital Marketing Specialists team. 

Now in his third position at Offerista, he will be supported by a team of cross-channel specialists which will evolve going forwards. The aim of the new unit is to pool expertise for cross-channel advertising measures in order to develop cross-channel strategies and adapt to the requirements of their customers. This should allow target groups to be reached more effectively where they are and tailor advertising material to their interests. 

“A measurable cross-channel concept forms the basis for a successful advertising strategy in digital retail marketing. You can quickly burn a lot of money here without a competent partner at your side,” says Andreas Welp, Digital Marketing Specialists Team Leader at Offerista. “For this reason, I, along with my team, am pleased to be able to contribute to the advertising success of our customers with targeted advertising measures.”

Nicole Bucher, CMO of Offerista, adds: “For a while now has not been enough to advertise offers on one channel only. By expanding our team of specialists, we are able to respond to the increasing demand of retail customers for 360° concepts and campaigns in order to ensure a wide-reaching, cross-channel communication of offers.”

Welp has been with Offerista since June 2018 and first worked as a Digital Campaign Manager before becoming a Digital Marketing Specialist.


Images (Photo credits: Offerista Group)

Porträt Andreas Welp, Team Lead Digital Marketing Specialists bei Offerista

Porträt Nicole Bucher, CMO bei Offerista

About Offerista Group

As a shopper marketing network, Offerista Group GmbH offers tailored digital solutions for the location-based marketing of offers and branches. Offerista implements cross-channel campaigns to ensure that advertising messages are transported across a wide range of user-relevant channels. We make consumers so curious about products that they go to the shops and buy them. With a team of more than 120 employees throughout Europe, Offerista provides cross-channel support for retailer and manufacturer brands across all industries at every point in the customer journey. In addition to its headquarters in Dresden, it has further sites in Berlin, Essen, Vienna, Sofia, Budapest and Bucharest. The managing directors are Tobias Bräuer and Benjamin Thym.

Press contact Offerista Group:

Nicole Bucher
+49 (0) 351 41 88 94 41