Advertise your offers and promotions with the Discover Productfeed dynamically, interactively and personalized in the far-reaching Native Network, without any flyer and easily adaptable at any time!
Channels on which Discover can be displayed:
Specific platforms within the Native Network (reaching shoppers on more than 1,400 platforms) and within Display Ads (Half Page Ad and Inter/Understitial)
KPIs that can be reported:
- Reached users – Impressions
- Engagements (flyer openings)
- Clickout
- Time spent in flyer
- Top products
- Store visits
Format benchmarks: *
- Engagement rate > 10%
- CTR > 2%
What is needed?
- Cover image (at least 1,700 pixels wide)
- Product data in structured data format
- Possible formats: CSV, XML, Excel, txt, etc. → max. 150 products
- Corporate design data → max. 2-5 main coloors of the company as HEX code
Advertise your offers and promotions with the Discover Productfeed dynamically, interactively and personalized in the far-reaching Native Network, without any flyer and easily adaptable at any time!
Channels on which Discover can be displayed:
Specific platforms within the Native Network (reaching shoppers on more than 1,400 platforms) and within Display Ads (Half Page Ad and Inter/Understitial)
KPIs that can be reported:
- Reached users – Impressions
- Engagements (flyer openings)
- Clickout
- Time spent in flyer
- Top products
- Store visits
Format benchmarks: *
- Engagement rate > 10%
- CTR > 2%
What is needed?
- Cover image (at least 1,700 pixels wide)
- Product data in structured data format
- Possible formats: CSV, XML, Excel, txt, etc. → max. 150 products
- Corporate design data → max. 2-5 main coloors of the company as HEX code